Answer question about Cohen, Non linear film opening.
What is the traditional type of narrative for our genre/type
of product? How did you find this out? What other real texts did you look at
that helped you work this out?
Para 1 -
We thought about Levi Strauss and the binary opposites. One opposite is the Old man and the young group of boys.
Why have we used it? Helps to cement narrative
Highlights the nostalgia
Themes of being and passing
Para 2 -
We thought of Barthes theories. Enigma Codes - What were they? - Who's the old man?
- What makes him upset?
- Why are memories brought back? What memories are there?
Para 3 -
Todorov theories. Cohen does not have a disruption of equilibrium. Understood the theory but had plan of the disruption happening later in the film.
Para 4 -
Propp Theories. - All male cast to challenge the convention of having a damsel in distress, men being emotional rather than women.
I am writing about my AS coursework and film opening, named Cohen. Cohen is a sports drama about the life of George Cohen.
Anytime you can't find a use for a theory just talk about how you subverted it with examples. With narrative music video there is disjuncture etc